Recommended Strategies Based on The Capability And Purchasing Power of Low-Income Communities (MBR) In Providing MBR Houses In Kartamantul
The housing needs that shape urban spatial structures or the relationships between the three cannot be fully understood without considering the state of housing market prices. The reason is that changes in urban housing market prices no longer depend on the city level, but over time begin to be characterized by urban agglomeration processes. Furthermore, agglomeration dynamics that change urban spatial structure and housing market prices will have an impact on socio-economic disparities and challenges in providing affordable housing for people with low incomes in densely populated urban areas. The aim of this research is to find out whether the MBR housing allocated by the regional government is appropriately located in low-income areas/zones in KARTAMANTUL. The research methods used are web scrapping, mapping and comparative evaluation of housing locations with the distribution of MBR in KARTAMANTUL. The results obtained were to simplify the simulation of affordability and household purchasing power regarding home ownership, the researchers tried to average the income of the two categories of low-income households. Therefore, with an average MBR income limit of Rp. 3,900,000 in DIY, then the ability to repay the house in installments is IDR. 1,170,000/month. Furthermore, regarding house buildings, the criteria for a habitable house is a per capita area of at least 9 m2 per person. With the average number of family members in DIY being 4 people, the house area required per household is 36 m2. The recommendations given are a) 25 year house installments are a payment option that can be used for low-income households in KARTAMANTUL, b) the choice of house locations for MBR is mostly in Bantul Regency and Sleman Regency, both of which have urban status. fringe and urban shadow.
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