Pengaruh Service Quality Terhadap Customer Saticfaction di PT Pos Indonesia KCP Leles

Luthvia Azzahra, Irdan Fattur Mi’raj


This study aims to explore the relationship between the service quality of PT. Pos Indonesia KCP Leles and customer satisfaction levels. The purpose of this research is to identify the extent to which customer satisfaction at PT. Pos Indonesia Leles is influenced by the quality of services provided by the company. The study employs a quantitative, ex-post facto methodology to investigate the level of customer satisfaction at PT. Pos Indonesia KCP Leles influenced by its service quality. Customers who have completed transactions at PT. Pos Indonesia Leles constitute the population of this study. Incidental sampling is the sampling method used. Data acquisition is carried out through questionnaires. The results of this study indicate that customer satisfaction at PT. Pos Indonesia Leles is significantly influenced by service quality, with an influence of 53.3%.


Service quality, Customer Saticfaction. PT. Pos Indonesia KCP Leles

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